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Read about our impact

We help our clients make an impact on many of the world’s greatest public health challenges. The scale and breadth of
Rabin Martin’s solutions across policy, geography, therapeutic areas and access barriers is unparalleled.




The logo for AstraZeneca.

Delivering health impact for people with cardiovascular disease: Healthy Heart Africa ​

Rabin Martin collaborated with AstraZeneca to create the company’s signature initiative – Healthy Heart Africa – to expand access to screening and treatment for cardiovascular disease, a growing public health challenge in developing countries. ​
The Merck for Mothers logo in white against a transparent background.

Creating a global signature initiative to improve maternal health​

Rabin Martin guided the strategy, program design and implementation for Merck for Mothers – Merck’s bold $650 million initiative to help end preventable maternal deaths worldwide. ​  
The UCB logo in white against a transparent background.

Establishing a multidisciplinary commission on chronic disease and pregnancy

Rabin Martin is guiding the work of a global commission of medical experts and patient advocates who are passionate about the rights of women living with a chronic disease to make informed decisions about their treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding​​.  
The logo for Merck Foundation.

Advancing equity in cancer care across the United States

Rabin Martin supported the development of the Alliance for Equity in Cancer Care – a national initiative funded by the Merck Foundation to increase access to high-quality, equitable care for people living with cancer from underserved communities.
The Takeda logo in white on a transparent background.

Establishing a leadership platform in rare disease

Rabin Martin designed and supported Takeda’s signature initiative to reduce the time to diagnosis for children with a rare disease: Global Commission to End the Diagnostic Odyssey for Children with a Rare Disease.
A black and white image of a man in a white shirt with an innovative partnership.

Steering an innovative partnership between leaders in health and technology to improve health

Rabin Martin is the Secretariat of Advancing Health Online, a new initiative launched by Merck and Meta to better understand how social media and behavioral science can be leveraged to improve the health of communities around the world.
The logo for the Private Sector Roundtable (PSRT)'s Global Health Security Agenda.

Mobilizing a cross-industry coalition to strengthen pandemic preparedness – and forging a new model of public-private partnership

Rabin Martin developed and is the Secretariat for the PSRT, a unique coalition that provides the industry voice on global health security matters and advocates for greater private sector engagement in preparing for and preventing health emergencies.

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