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The private sector plays multiple roles in helping to build and sustain resilient health systems. In particular, the private sector is indispensable for bringing innovation that is essential – in medicine, technology, transport and many other areas – to meet communities’ health needs, including during a health emergency.

Our new report, a collaboration among Rabin Martin, Friends of the Global Fight, and the Private Sector Roundtable on Global Health Security, highlights varied examples of how companies are actively involved in strengthening resiliency, especially the health care workforce, increasing access to health technologies and services, and enhancing the provision of health care in resource-constrained settings.

Download the full report

Rabin Martin

We’re Rabin Martin, ​a team of global health impact consultants.​ We design, develop and deliver effective solutions to unlock new markets and opportunities – creating unique ways for more people to access your medicines and vaccines, and generating more preference and advocacy for your products among stakeholders.​